Genre Research: Mickey’s Christmas Carol
In the short film "Mickeys Christmas Carol" Camera angles, shots, editing, and mis-en-scene were very widely used to represent the comedy genre. For example, camera angles were used to create a sense of humor or absurdity. A high angle shot can be used to make a character appear small or insignificant, while a low angle shot can be used to make a character appear larger than life. shots can were used to focus on the reactions of characters or to show the absurdity of a situation. For example, a close-up shot to show the expressions of a character reacting to a joke, while a wide shot can be used to show the absurdity of a character's actions in relation to their surroundings. Editing is used to create a sense of pace and to build tension or anticipation. For example, quick cuts between shots can be used to create a fast-paced, energetic atmosphere, while longer shots can be used to build tension or anticipation before a punchline. Mis-en-scene establishes the setting a...