Which one?

 The three genres my team and I would like to research are crime thriller, comedy, and mystery. My team and I chose these 3 genres because we are unsure about how we want go go about our film. Crime thriller is our top one. This is because there are so many crime/ cartel movies out that we could get inspiration from and it wouldn't be too hard to find something to do along those lines, but we could also make it a comedy. There aren't many crime movies that are comedies but my team and I were talking about how we could make it funny. One idea we had was making it like a reality TV show where they have the side interviews or the main character goes off to the side and has their own thoughts nobody else could hear. The last idea we had was mystery. This was actually a random one to throw in there. We were thinking we could start off with a death and have detectives/cops solve the murder and have flash backs in between while solving it. We were also thinking about doing drama. My team and I are definitely not actresses or actors but we can sure try our best. I do not know which way we would go about doing drama so it is something we would have to talk about. We are still not 100% sure which genre we would like to go with. We are going to each look up a genre, review it, and talk about it together before making a choice and filming. We are doing this so we don't realize in the middle of filming that we want to change the genre or that it ends up being something else. My team and I are very excited to start this new film and can't wait to see where it takes us.


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