What about- What if-


  • Location- Our movie location will be at our group member Pedro Ribeiro's house, his house allows us to fully carry out our script for the movie and it is overall the perfect set for this movie. Additionally we will film a scene at a walmart/target.

  • Participants- The participants of this movie will consist of our whole group of: Pedro Ribeiro, Damaine Thomson, Nicole Tarantino, and Jordyn Jackson. Another participant will be Pedro's sister who will be the camera man for certain scenes.

  • Health/Safety- For the sake of having the most safe and protected filming environment our group decided that we will wear masks the whole time besides when filming, additionally after every filming session we will get tested for covid-19. Lastly to further ensure our safety we will have a first aid kit on the premise the whole time while filming.

  • Schedule-  We will be filming only a few amount of times since we assume that we will get the movie done fairly quickly. our main filming dates will be: 3/12-3/13 and if needed extra time we will film the following weekend on 3/19

  • Backup plan- We have multiple back up plans, if things don't work out correctly we could produce the movie in any one of our groupmates houses that isn't Pedro. Also we have a camera man replacement: Damaine's brother.


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