Title Design Research: Code 8

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the

film? Which one?

- During the title sequence of the film there are about 33 titles
displayed within this part of the film. There were the name of the
studio, name of production companies, the actors names, the film
titles, who the music is by, who the film was edited by, the producer,
and who it was directed by.

2. What connotations do the images carry? (How do they make you feel)

- The overall vibe of the images gave the audience an eerie feeling.
They were full of gore and of strong connection to what the film may
be about.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from
the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)

- The genre I got from just looking at the title sequence is something
crime/ thriller related. After looking at the actual genre, it was a
thriller movie. It had a very eerie feel to it throughout the film,
but it was not horror with blood and killing, but there were a lot of
near deaths and fatalities within the film, which led me to believe it
was a thriller type movie.

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience

- Common c shots used within this film were a plethora of establishing
shots, wide shots, and close ups. These helped in different ways to
where the film is concerned. For example, a specific establishing shot
of the ambulance, and someone being rushed into it. That and the
ambient sound in the back, created an overall eerie feeling which led
me to gain and create a feeling that it is a thriller. Also, the
editing of the title sequence contributed to the eerie feeling, as it
sped up and slowed down with some of the different scenes from the
movie playing in the background. There were many more, but here are
some of the main ones.


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