Music Video Research Blog

 My partner and I are making our music video on “Let Me Love you” by Mario. Usually in R&B songs like this one, the audience would see a storyline. The audience sees the conflict or whatever is happening in the story and the singer trying to get the main characters attention or singing to the main character, unless they are the main character. 

  •  In R&B videos, the singer, if it's a male, is usually seen wearing baggy jeans and baggy tee shirts. Its a casual outfit that was very popular in 2000's fashion. In R&B videos, the  women tend wear basic 2000's fashion, jeans and crop tops, button ups, berets, off the shoulder shirts, and others, all paired with denim, since denim was so popular back then. 
  •  The lighting varies in videos, but it depends on the vibe and scenery of the video. Most videos have dim lighting, but some scenes have bright and direct lighting. Other videos can be completely bright or dim, it all depends on the mood. 
  • The acting throughout the videos are as if  the singer wants the other person to acknowledge them and their feelings. Whether the singer is just following the actor around, talking to them, or simply sitting around, the singer wants the other person to know their feelings towards them. Their passionate and romantic most of the time. 
  • The makeup mainly applied to women. They usually have shimmery eyeshadow, lip liner, mascara and eyeliner. 
  • The props in R&B videos range anywhere from phones to cars. The possibilities are endless! 
  • The videos are shot multiple scenes. Warehouses, bedrooms, studios, plazas, parks, outside houses, etc...
  • The  camera angles can vary. The most prominent ones are establishing shots, close ups, high and low angles, tracking and pan shots, and eye level. 


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