Lights, Camera, Action!

My partner and I finished our commercial! I recorded today. I got so many different shots and angles. So many new colors and I got a perfect 360 of the shoe. I made sure to get the best lighting I could. The shots came out perfect! The hot Florida sun got to me again. It was so very hot all I wanted was an A.C. I couldn't bare the heat. My partner and I decided that after we got the necessary shots and discussed how we wanted to organize everything, we would go inside. We ended up finishing and going inside to cool down just as we had planned. I look forward to editing and seeing the commercial come to life. I have high expectations. My partner and I have worked hard on this project, we just want it to pay off. The commercials concept is fun and bright. I hope it comes out the way I plan on it coming out.  I started to look for a song to put in the background. I'm going for something upbeat and warm. Finding a song isn't something I'll stress on right now though. All that matters is that I am done filming. Next stop, editing!


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