Planning Blog


Jordyn and I will be using crocs for our props. That's mainly it since we're focusing solely on the shoes. 


We will be in character during this commercial. We will be wearing our basic everyday attire such as jeans, hoodies, shorts, tee shirts, sweatpants and of course, our crocs! The main focus of the entire commercial is the Crocs and the actors feet so we may wear socks so we can move freely.  


09/23/21: Partner and I researched conventions and codes on Crocs commercials, established costumes, location list, props, schedules and a backup plan. 

09/29/21: We will be creating a storyboard for our 30 second clip.

10/1/21: My groupmate and I will film and record our commercial.

10/05/21: We will edit/ add the final touches to our commercial. 

Location List

We will mainly be in the designated sitting areas our school offers since the objective of the commercial is our feet. 

Our next location would be on the stairs of building 5, also known as the media center, which has a overhead covering so therefore rain will not be an issue. 

The last location will be the hallway between building 9 and 21 in the front of the school. 

Backup Plan: 

If anything goes wrong or if we dont like how the final product came out, my partner and I will be filming a commercial on backpacks which we can film any and everywhere. If someone isn't present at the time we record, the other person will just have to film from angles that do not require a second person. 


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